From Roter Morgen
Organ of the Communist Party of Germany
August, 1992

Europe-Wide Star March:
Against Racism and Fascism!
For Equal Rights!

From September 19 to October 2, 1992, the DIDF (Federation of Democratic Workers Associations from Turkey in Germany), together with 25 Associations from Germany, the DIDF and 7 Associations from Netherlands, 7 Associations from France and 7 Associations from Austria and Switzerland, will be carrying out a Europe-wide star march against racism and fascism, for equal rights.

The call for the march says: "The 'guest workers' [official German term for immigrant workers], who originally came to these countries with the intention of returning home, have been forced to do the heaviest work for low wages. The 'foreign' workers have made a important contribution to the economic development of these countries. In return, they have had to live under the Damocles sword of laws for foreigners. They are put under pressure of regulations concerning residency and work permits and they are under constant threat of deportation. Moreover, they have and continue to suffer from the continually increasing hostility to foreigners and racism.

"Neo-Nazi organizations and parties place hostility to foreigners in the first rank of their programs, in order to broaden their circle of influence and to create a basis for fascist-racist developments. The 'foreigners' are represented as responsible for unemployment, housing shortages, the increase in crime and other social evils. These days this propaganda is accompanied by violent attacks. As a consequence of this, the beating or even killing of foreigners is considered a 'normal occurrence.'

"The states and their governments have always pursued a reactionary, racist policy towards foreigners, which they continue to intensify. Thus they are making a significant contribution to the strengthening of the racist, fascist parties and organizations..."

It is emphasized that foreigners are deprived of the simplest human rights and that these practices serve to divide the workers and employees of different nationalities. A committee has been formed for the march:

"We consider this committee as a step in the direction towards 'unification of our forces on a all-European plain.' It should serve towards planning and carrying out a Europe-wide action."

All initiative groups and organizations that work against racism and fascism are called upon to support this action and join forces for it.

There will be 3 march groups.

[The article lists the cities through which each of the groups will pass.]

On October 3, a international concluding concert will take place in Strasbourg [the seat of the European Parliament].

We call on all readers of the Roter Morgen to support this action to the best of their abilities.

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